Beware of Modeling Scams

I just had a young friend ‘discovered’ by a modeling agency at the mall. They wanted her to pay money for photos, but after they balked at amount, the studio lowered it substantially. I warned them to check  with the Better Business Bureau on the company,...

Filing Small Claims Court: Basic FAQs

What is small claims court? Small claims court is usually for cases involving claims of less than $5,000. A benefit of small claims court is that you do not need a lawyer as it is simplified to expedite cases. What can I do in small claims? There are two type of...

Win in Court!

We won our lawsuit!  After waiting  for our turn to present our case, we were called up. The judge ruled in our favor. The defendant has 10 days to either appeal or pay. After the case was finished the owner of the shop said he’s just rather pay. I hope his...

Our Day in Court

This morning we’re going to court to try and resolve the car situation. It started as a clutch replacement and became a $1000 repair nightmare. The main issue is bailment. The car was moved off their property without our knowledge and it received water damage to...

Small Claims Court: Basic Information

  Today’s article puts some personal in personal finance. That’s the point, right? The car situation has escalated. After much deliberation we decided to go ahead and file a small claims lawsuit. It’s been such a headache with having one car (we couldn’t share as we...