Are you looking for a few tips on finding some extra money in your budget?

  • Walk to do local errands and to go to campus (if you’re within walking distance). [Approx. savings: $36/month ($3/gallon for 3 gallons)]
  • Carpool to get to campus if you’re a commuter student. [Approx. savings: $60/month ($3/gallon for 5 gallons)]
  • Share a parking pass if you commute with some one [Approx. savings: $40/semester]
  • Do your own oil changes. [Approx. savings: $160/year]
  • Stay on your parent’s car insurance policy. [Approx. savings: $100/month]
  • Compare car insurance policy. [Approx. savings $50/month]
  • Don’t be a smoker. [Approx. savings $70/month]
  • Consider trading clothes with friends. You may have out grown or out shrunk your clothes. See if you can swap with stylish friends. [Approx. savings $75/month]
  • Make a grocery list and stick with it. [Approx. savings: $80/month]
  • Use a crock pot for your meals and spread it out. Chili, lasagna, stews, and more can be made in a crock-pot and they last several meals. It takes very little effort, usually just putting the ingredients into the pot and cooking. We usually make enough of something to last 3 meals. [Approx. savings $100/month]
  • What are some things that you can save you money?

    Laura Martinez

    Laura Martinez