Yard sales can be a great way to save money on things that you need and want. I ususally check out craigslist to see what yard sales are in my area. Sometimes you can find some wonderful deals at yard sales.yard-sale

How to Snag a Deal at a Yard Sale

Here are some tips to help you find a deal:

  • Know what you’re looking for. It’s better to have a mental list of what you’re trying to find or you might buy too much clutter.
  • Have a budget of what you’re going to spend and what you want to buy. You can go overbroad by overspending.
  • Bring cash. Don’t waste sellers time byasking them to hold an item until you come back and pay.
  • Don’t accept the first price. Use it as idea of what the buyer is expecting to get from it.
  • Go low on your offer. You’re going to meet In between anyway, so try to start small.
  • Be prepared to walk away. The exception is if this is a hard to find item, then you have decide if you want to pay a bit more.

yard-salesHave fun hunting at yard sales. It can exciting to haggle for good deals, but expect to go to many yard sales won’t have good bargains.

If you to have any tips, please share them in the comments. If you have a funny story, either being a buyer or seller, please share.

Photo Credit: usedtobelost and jbcurio